How To Make An Essential Oils Wellness Roller

I have had essential oils lying around my house for a few years now, but have allowed myself to stay pretty clueless on how to actually use them. *insert facepalm* Sure, I know to dab some Valor on me when anxious, or peppermint on my neck when I get tense. But I haven’t taken the time to do my research and figure out the best way for these oils to aid me in many ways.

Over the past year, I’ve made it a personal goal to research and learn how to use these oils to best help me and my health. So if you’re up for it, join me on this journey of claiming my health back!

This week, I tackled an Essential Oils Wellness Roller. I’ve been known to get sick pretty easily, so I figured, why not tackle general health first? So rather than dab oils on here and there, I researched the best oils to use for general health and the immune system, and this is what I came up with!

Thieves Essential Oils

Thieves was my first go-to because it is all about preventing illnesses. It is a mixture of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary. And it’s an added bonus that it smells like Christmas! I added 15 drops of this to the roller.

R.C. Essential Oils

R.C. is all about that respiratory relief! As someone who has dealt with asthma, this has been like liquid gold for me! I added 15 drops of this as well!

Lemon Essential Oils

I added 12 drops of lemon to help with allergies and anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, it smells so fresh, so clean!

Oregano Essential Oils

I then added 10 drops of oregano. I wasn’t too keen on smelling like a spice rack, but the anti-inflammatory and immune defense properties of it, made it too good to pass up!

Almond Oil

After adding the essential oils, I added almond oil to fill the roller bottle and get it all mix up good. You can really use any carrier oil, this was just a preference for me!

And just like that, I made my first Essential Oils Wellness Roller! I also left you a little cheat sheet below if you want to make your own! Let us know what you would like us to cover next at The Chaotic Norm!

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