You Can Have Your New Year’s Resolution Fall From The Sky This Year

New Year’s has always been one of my favorite holidays. Sure, it’s just technically another day, but the prospect of making changes and goals has always made it feel magical to me. So what if I told you that you could have your resolution fall from the sky?

You Can Have Your New Year’s Resolution Fall From The Sky

This year, New York is allowing us all to join in on the festivities by giving you the chance to write down your New Year’s Resolution on one of their confetti pieces to be dropped from the sky!

No joke! I just did this myself! All you have to do, is go to the NYC Wishing Wall Website, fill out a small amount of information, and then leave your resolution!

Knowing that your New Year’s resolution is floating through the New York sky on New Year’s makes it feel more possible in my opinion.

Not to mention, someone could pick up your resolution and send good wishes and luck your way!

New York will be dropping 3,000 pounds of confetti on New Year’s Eve at midnight, so be sure that your resolution is among them!

You must turn in your resolution online by December 28th so be sure to do so as soon as you’re able! And may all of your resolutions come true!

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