These Are 9 Of The Craziest Candy Cane Flavors We’ve Discovered 

You think you’ve seen it all until now. Candy Cane flavors have gone NUTS. So we’re here to show you some of the Craziest Candy Cane Flavors around!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Mac And Cheese Candy Canes

We’re gonna start mild here. It may sound odd, but at least it’s not the worst sounding. This is one that I would actually taste test out of curiosity. If you want to give them a try yourself, you can find them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Gravy Candy Canes

Ok, getting a little more strange. Don’t get me wrong, I like gravy on my mashed potatoes. But eating it by itself…in candy cane form? Seems a bit much. Want to give them a try? You can purchase them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Ketchup Candy Canes

Another one that belongs with something else and not meant to be consumed alone. Now, give me some French Fry Candy Canes to eat with them and we’ll talk! Want to give them a try? You can purchase them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Caesar Salad Candy Canes

We’ve moved on from condiments to the side salad. Still not the craziest candy cane flavor, but I can’t say lettuce is a flavor I want to suck on. Maybe the croutons though. Want to give them a try? You can purchase them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Brisket Candy Canes

Now we’re on to the main course, but I wish we weren’t. I can’t say I’ve ever wanted to try candy canes in meat flavors. Want to give them a try? You can purchase them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Hot Dog Candy Canes

Speaking of “meat”, Hot Dog Candy Canes are a thing. And the thought of them kinda makes me want to puke. Want to give them a try? You can purchase them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Sour Cream And Onion Candy Canes

I am a fan of the flavor, but in candy form, it makes me feel icky. And imagine the aftertaste that would be left behind. Yuck. You can find these treasures here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Sardines Candy Canes

I thought this would be the worst but there’s more to come. Imagine the smell of these alone. No thank you. Want to give them a try? You can purchase them here!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Possum Candy Canes

And finally, the worst. In my opinion, THIS is the craziest candy cane flavor of all. Whoever came up with the idea for Possum Candy Canes needs to be checked on. I get it as a gag gift, but is anyone actually going to try these? Not me! But if you’re feeling brave, you can find them here!

Have you found some of the craziest candy cane flavors in your Christmas stocking? Let us know what we missed!

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