8 Thanksgiving Traditions To Try And Bring More Memories To The Holiday

Thanksgiving, the holiday squished between Halloween and Christmas. It’s a loved holiday, but doesn’t quite get the same amount of attention as the others. So we have a solution!

Thanksgiving Traditions To Try

We have put together 8 Thanksgiving Traditions To Try, to bring your family closer together and make some fun memories to look forward to each year!

1. Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

This is a tradition that I have tried to make sure and do each year. I used to get up as a kid, in my cozy pajamas, and watch the parade (and the dog show!). Now that I’m married with kids, I now get up with them and watch the parade together, searching for their favorite characters, holding them close. It’s just such a fun memory to have! They get up each Thanksgiving morning asking about the parade!

2. Bake A Pie

I’m not going to lie, I have never made a pie. Ever. In fact, I don’t even like eating pie. But the aroma that fills the house while baking a pie can’t be matched. I’ve read in a few different articles that baking a pie with your loved ones can create such a sentimental value to the experience. And that has me wanting to give it a try this year. I just probably won’t eat it. 

3. Run A Turkey Trot

Now, I am not a part of a running family. We don’t run. But I’ve seen so many pictures of people running Turkey Trots and it just makes me want to try! You can dress in silly turkey outfits and run for a good cause before stuffing your face. It could be a fun couples or family activity to give back to your community before spending the time solely with your family.

4. Volunteer At A Soup Kitchen

Speaking of helping the community, many families choose to volunteer on Thanksgiving Day by serving those in need. It is a very humbling experience and helps you appreciate what you have, and not take life for granted. All I would say on the matter, is to please do so outside of the holiday as well, when there are less lined up to volunteer. This kind of help is needed year round.

5. Play Board/Card Games

This one is a big must for our family. We love playing board games and card games together! Even my daughter, who is only 4, loves to join in! It is a great way to spend quality time together and have fun as a family unit. 

6. Breaking The Wishbone

This is a highly coveted tradition, but it’s never one that we did growing up. Maybe because only two people can participate, and I came from a family of 5. Either way, we have two kiddos now and it’ll be fun to see them duke it out for a free wish!

7. Host A Potluck

If you don’t have any close family or relatives nearby, this is the perfect excuse to gather your friends, co-workers, and neighbors and have a potluck! Everyone can sign up to bring a Thanksgiving themed dish, hangout, play games, and enjoy the day without a ton of cooking involved!

8. Take A Nap 

This is a personal favorite of mine. I love taking a nap after stuffing my face with amazing food. It’s gotten a little harder to accomplish since having kids, but is so worth it when able. It is the most coveted nap of the year!

What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? Let us know on social media!

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