6 Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas To Make Your Day More Festive

Christmas Traditions have always been near and dear to my heart. But I have always drawn a blank when deciding what breakfast I’m going to provide to my family Christmas morning.

My mom always got up early on Christmas morning and baked Chocolate Chip Muffins and blared Amy Grant Christmas Music. That’s a core Christmas memory for me.

Unfortunately, when I tried to implement that into my own family routine (after having kids of my own), it wasn’t a great fit. I got up early to bake them for the entire family and no one ended up eating them except for me. Not to mention, my kids were asking me what weird songs I was playing. Was worth a shot!

So now, I’ve been on the search for new Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas and thought I would share some of my favorites with you!

6 Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas

Photo Credit: board._af

1. Reindeer Pancakes Spread

Not only is this idea absolutely adorable, it looks delicious too! Constructing the reindeer out of pancakes looks easy enough, add some bacon antlers and fruit for their face and they are good to go! This would be so cute!

Photo Credit: kimmymanzo

2. Christmas Charcuterie Spread

This would take the least amount of work in my opinion. Just grab your favorite breakfast foods and Christmas treats and spread them on a board all cute like and you’re good to go! This would be easy for everyone to just graze and snack on in between festivities! 

Photo Credit: jenscontagiouscooking

3. Santa Fruit Skewers

Now this is a cute and healthy way to start Christmas! Stack up fruits to look like Santa, and display them on skewers to make it easy to enjoy!

Photo Credit: barbtrixie

4. Snowman Cinnamon Rolls 

This may be the cutest and most complex of the bunch. Line up some cinnamon rolls from small to large, add some bacon, fruit, chocolate chips, and candy to complete the look! 

Photo Credit: spaghetti.face

5. Candy Cane Yogurt 

This is so cute too! Use whatever white or red yogurt you prefer, then line up bananas and strawberries in the shape of a candy cane! Add sprinkles for an extra touch!

Photo Credit: rosymeadow_

6. Santa Pancakes

Another pancake idea, but this one either requires a lot of fruit or whipped cream for Santa’s beard! This is a great alternative to the Reindeer Pancakes above if you don’t want to cook bacon or need more fruit!

Are you going to try out and of these 6 Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas? If so, tag us in your post and let us see!

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